Workshop: Learn & Build on Bitcoin SV
5th edition, 16-18 June 2022
Target audience
Developers of all shapes and sizes – but also non-developers, interested in understanding what possibilites the bitcoin computer can offer.
General approach
Learning by doing: building together things on top of bitcoin. Doing so by alternating phases of /building /hacking /learning with phases of presentation where we present to the group what we have learned/achieved.
Sprinkle in some live talks for inspiration.
Check out this article to get an impression what it’s going to be.
Get together for a weekend in Berlin, learn, build and have fun doing so.
How to join
Tickets are limited. Please apply via mail to
We are sold out!
But we are planning to do another Workshop in september/october 2022. Drop us a mail on if you are interested!
1 BSV per participant
This buys you:
- Participation in the workshop
- Drinks during workshop
- Barbecue on Friday evening
- 3 meta-style breakfasts
BSV accepted.
Barbecue, snacks and refreshments provided by the Bitcoin Association.
Super-fast and robust Internet & Wifi is provided by Eventnet
Please not that this is not set in stone (tm): We are a small group of people and therefore have the luxury of complete and utter control of the agenda. In other words: we do it however the group thinks its best!
Day 1: Thursday, 16.6.
9:00 Reception
10:00 Start of the Workshop: Introduction
11:00 Talk
12:00 Workshopping
13:00 Lunch
14:00 Talk
14:30 Workshopping
17:00 Talk
19:00 public meetup: Metanet Techtalk #32 “Smart Contracts on Bitcoin”
Day 3: Saturday, 18.6.
9:00 Meta-Breakfast
10:00 Talk
11:00 Workshopping
13:00 Lunch
14:00 Talk
14:30 Wrap up
16:00 offical close
You are welcome to stay longer!
Xiaohui Lui
Darren Kellenschwiler
Alex Fauvel
+ talks from participants
+ more, stay tuned
Day 2: Friday, 17.6.
9:00 Meta-Breakfast
10:00 Talk
11:00 Workshopping
13:00 Lunch
14:00 Talk
15:00 Workshopping
18:00 Talk
19:00 Barbecue Evening