Bitcoin - Present, Past and Future

12 – 15 September @ Bitcoin Days Berlin

Bitcoin SV at Berlin Blockchain Week 2022

From 12-15 September B2029 and Bitcoin Association for BSV will represent BitcoinSV as part of the Berlin Blockchain Week.

We have invited visionaries to share their Vision of a Web3 Internet built on Bitcoin.

Feel free to join us for these talks, sessions and hangouts to meet open and like-minded people who build on and support the original version of Bitcoin.


Monday, 12. September

11:00 - 16:00  Bitcoin Hangout
16:00 - 17:00  Bitcoin for Kids
18:00 - 19:00  Bitcoin for Beginners

Tuesday, 13. September

11:00 - 16:00  Bitcoin Hangout
19:00 - 21:00 Bitcoin — Present, Past and Future
21:00 - 23:00  B2029 — Three-Year Anniversary Party

Wednesday, 14. September

11:00 - 16:00  Bitcoin Hangout
19:00 - 21:30 Build on Bitcoin – The Vision for a Web3 Internet

Thursday, 15. September

11:00 - 18:00  Bitcoin Hangout


Prinzessinnenstraße 16
10969 Berlin
U-Bahn Moritzplatz

"Men build too many walls and not enough bridges"

- Isaac Newton

Bitcoin - Present, Past and Future

Tuesday, 13. September
19:00 - 21:00

We will present three talks where we look at the story of Satoshi Nakamoto, Bitcoins inventor, at the current state of his vision only to take a trip into the future where Bitcoin, like the Gutenberg Press, has challenged the monopolies of the digital economy.

Past - Who is Satoshi Nakamoto?
Present - The best apps built on Bitcoin today
Future - Bitcoin as the Gutenberg Project of the Digital Economy

Speaker: Lizette Louw, Stefan Landrock, Ekhard Seeßelberg


19:00 - Open Doors
19:30 - 21:00 Talks: Past, Present and Future
21:00 - 23:00 Three-Year Anniversary Celebration!

Bitcoin For Kids

Monday, 12. September
16:00 - 17:00

Bitcoins are ideal for kids. These coins never break or get destroyed in the wash. They can be sent securely by anyone of any age, to anywhere in the world, anytime of the day or night… from a fraction of a cent to their monthly pocket money.

But more importantly Bitcoin offers security, sovereignty and data ownership to anyone who wants it. 

Join us for our hands-on Bitcoin Beginner classes that will provide you with the essential knowledge to understand and to use Bitcoin to your advantage savely and with ease.

Instructors: Lizette Louw, Stefan Landrock, Ekhard Seeßelberg

Build on Bitcoin – The Vision for a Web3 Internet

Wednesday, 14. September
19:00 - 21:30

For this showcase session we have invited four startup founder who use Bitcoin’s ability to send and receive payments for fractions of a cent, typically less than a few hundredths of a cent. All of the four startups target different users but all of them demonstrate how micropayments enable entirely new business models and end-user experiences.

In Bitcoin the world gains an alternative to the monopolised digital economy. With Bitcoin, we can break away from a scenario where a handful of companies have a monopoly on storing and processing the world’s content, to an economy where everyone can plug into a public data storage and processing network on a pay-per-use basis, to own and monetise their creative work.


19:00 —  Open Doors
19:30 - 21:00 —  MyBanka, Soundoshi, BUX!, sCrypt
21:00 - 21:30 —  Q&A Session

Talks & Speakers

  • Paul de Buck: —  A Revolutionary Open Banking Wallet for Europe 

  • Michał Scisłowski — Soundoshi — Metaverse infrastructure for the Music Industry 

  • Siggi Oskarsson — BUX! — A Bitcoin UTXO & xPub Management Suite for App-Devs 

  • Mihael Sinkec — sCrypt — Smart Contracts, zk-SNARKs and Solidity on Bitcoin

How can YOU go about building an app today on Bitcoin?

Our speakers showcase the possibilities.

Bitcoin Hangout

12-15 September, 11h — open end

We invite you to a hangout in an open and relaxed environment and meet open- and perhaps like-minded people who build on and support the original version of Bitcoin.

B2029 is Berlin’s number one spot to learn about Bitcoin as conceived in the white paper ‘Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System’ .

Prinzessinnenstraße 16
10969 Berlin

U-Bahn Moritzplatz


  • Michał Scisłowski

    CEO of Soundoshi — Metaverse infrastructure for the music industry

  • Lizette Louw

    Head Of Content at BSV Blockchain

  • Siggi Oskarsson

    Developer of BUX! — Bitcoin UTXO & xPub Management Suite

  • Paul de Buck

    CEO of — A Revolutionary Open Banking Wallet for everyone

  • Mihael Sinkec

    Developer at sCrypt — Smart Contracts on Bitcoin for Eth Developers

  • Ekhard Seeßelberg

    Co-Founder of

  • Stefan Landrock

    CEO of and Co-Founder of

From 12-15 September, B2029 and Bitcoin Association for BSV will represent BitcoinSV as part of the Berlin Blockchain Week with four ‘Bitcoin days’ hosted at the BSV Hub Berlin.

Attendance is free, register here! 

Bitcoin SV at Berlin Blockchain Week 2022